It was our honor to meet you and thank you so much for your interest.
It was the first time to introduce our products-Point-Of-Care Testing System for HbA1c, Glycated Albumin, and CRP- at EASD.
Especially, AutoDx as 1-step automatic analyzer had great attention from potential buyers of the European market.
We wish to continuously discuss our business plan and opportunities.
If you are more interestingly concerned about our products, please visit our website or contact us at
Sincerely, with many thanks again.
DxGen Corp.

It was our honor to meet you and thank you so much for your interest.
It was the first time to introduce our products-Point-Of-Care Testing System for HbA1c, Glycated Albumin, and CRP- at EASD.
Especially, AutoDx as 1-step automatic analyzer had great attention from potential buyers of the European market.
We wish to continuously discuss our business plan and opportunities.
If you are more interestingly concerned about our products, please visit our website or contact us at
Sincerely, with many thanks again.
DxGen Corp.